
Do not hesitate to leave us a message, we will be happy to answer your‬ questions.‬

You can also contact us by telephone on 06 83 34 08 92 (Elisabeth) or 06 10 21 20 63 (Jean-Yves).

If this concerns a reservation, we advise you to use the forms on‬ the pages of‬ our gîtes.

Domaine de Vaucourte - Entrée parc

The Vaucourte Domain

A little tour of the owners‬

Having retired at the end of 2022 after a career in industry, Jean-Yves has‬ swapped suits for overalls. You will often find him in gardens or in the woods,‬ ‭brush cutter or chainsaw in hand.‬
Elisabeth was a high school teacher and mother of a family of five boys. Chief‬ decorator of the Domaine de Vaucourte, she continues her career as a band‬ leader with her grandchildren.‬
‭Jean-Yves’ professional life has led us to move a lot, to France, England, the‬ ‭USA, East Coast and West Coast. Vaucourte was our base, where we could‬ meet as a family with our five sons. We hope that our grandchildren will also be‬ able to discover the simple joys of Drôme Provençale, in the shade of‬ century-old trees.‬
‭In 2018, we bought Vaucourte from Jean-Yves’ cousins, and launched a‬ ‭large-scale renovation program, with a first phase of work which made it‬ ‭possible to redo the facade and roofs and create two charming gîtes. A second‬ phase of work will soon be launched with a view to renovating the large house,‬ ‭which will also become a reception area including “Domaine de Vaucourte‬
‭dinners” and business seminars.‬
‭Vaucourte will thus keep its vocation, in balance between this past of which the‬‭ walls keep the memory, and this future which we want open to our visitors and‬ the many people who collaborate on our project, a place where we can‬ suspend time, and Live in the moment.‬